Knights and Families of the Month Programs
The Knights of Columbus Knight and Family of the Month programs recognize Knights and families who exhibit strong ties of love and faith, exemplifying Catholic family values by living them every day and are making meaningful contributions to their parish and larger community.
Knights of the MonthCongratulations to each Knight of the Month. We applaud them for their strong example they set for all families in our community!
If you would like to nominate a Knight of the month, submit a Knight of the Month Nomination form. |
Families of the MonthCongratulations to each Family of the Month. We applaud them for their strong example they set for all families in our community!
If you would like to nominate a Family of the Month, submit a Family of the Month Nomination form. Each family should stand out as an exemplary model to others in the parish. |
November 2024: Dave Foret
Dave Foret is one of the most active Knights in our Council. Over many years, he has attended most of our meetings and events. He has expertly breaded fish at our annual fish fry dinners. At our pancake breakfasts he makes his custom version of silky country eggs. He is a past Grand Knight and has been a Trustee for many years. Dave is one of our Council’s volunteers who shows up early to bring supplies to the event and one of the last to clean up after an event. If we need supplies from Restaurant Depot, he’s your man. Not only does he serve our council and parish, but he also serves our community by participating with Sharing Center events and helping at several Helping Hands projects. And usually, you will find his loving wife Dot attending these events with him! |
November 2024: Deacon Anthony and Helen Medina Family
Tony and Helen have been married for 40 years and have 4 children. Both of them have been active parishioners for many years. Anthony has been a Deacon at Saint Mary Magdalen since 2018. Helen has served several years as a sacristan and they both have been champions of pro-life causes for close to 30 years; such as: 40 Days for Life, SMM Culture of Life Group, Laps for Life, and prayer services for the cause of life. The Medinas are a shining example of Faith, Hope and Charity within our Saint Mary Magdalen Community! |
October 2024: David ‘DJ’ Henriquez
DJ is a recent addition to Council 5618. He has certainly made his presence felt in the many ways he has already served. He has contributed to several events, such as grilling at the Fall Festival Hamburger Booth, CCW Breakfast, SMM Labor Day Men’s Club Picnic, and has consistently attended meetings. His constant help in small and big ways are an example of a busy, happy, holy Knight! |
October 2024: Patrick and Anne Cavanaugh Family
Patrick and Anne have been very active parishioners at Saint Mary Magdalen for many years. They have both been in the Adult Choir for decades and are constantly involved. Pat has been a long time Knight of Columbus, currently serving the role of Purser in the Monsignor Ed Thompson Assembly in Sanford. He is currently in process to transfer to our Council. Anne is currently serving as President of the Council of Catholic Women of Saint Mary Magdalen, after many years of dedicated service in that organization. They were recently married in the church and continue their work as a dynamic team! We are blessed to have their edifying presence and committed service! |
September 2024: Worthy Chaplain, Reverend Duberney Rodas Grajales
Reverend Duberney, a recent addition to our Council, quickly took up the role of Chaplain. He writes inspiring articles for the Pinta Log and has contributed several liturgical celebrations; deftly constructing and laying out programs for participants. He graciously included Council leadership in the formulation of the aspects of these liturgies; all the while leading his fellow Knights to increased devotion and sanctity. Father Duberney’s constant prayers and support at Saint Mary Magdalen Parish are evident in his daily life as a Holy Priest, selflessly serving the faithful. A conduit of Grace, we are mightily blessed by his spiritual leadership! |
September 2024: Brian and Ann Klega-Nelsen Family
The Klega-Nelsen family has been a notable contributor to the community of Saint Mary Magdalen. Brian, the son of our beloved Deacon Greg, past Grand Knight, and leader in the Scouts, has been an active parishioner and Knight, assisting particularly with the annual Fish Fry. He, with his wife, Doctor Anne Klega-Nelsen, have three children, all involved with various church activities which reinforce their faith. Their presence, participation, and leadership edifies our parish and council! |
August 2024: Bernardo Mercado
New Knight Bernardo Mercado has been stepping up and getting involved in our events. He volunteered as a reader during the Holy Hour for St Joseph the Worker back in April, right after he became a Knight in February. He participated at the Sharing Center during the July and August events (he brought his son to the July event). He also served at the Parish Pancake Breakfast in August. |
August 2024: Dominick and Patricia Fiorentino Family
The Fiorentino family are long time members of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish. Dominick has been a Knight for 37 years! He and his wife have been involved in various ministries at the parish. Patricia has even been a cantor. Dominick has most recently joined the Adult Choir after pivoting away from the position of chairman for the Tootsie Roll Drive. He is regularly involved with many serving events, such as the annual fish fry and other Knights sponsored events. We are grateful and blessed by their service and commitment! |
July 2024: Tom Weninger
Tom Weninger is a model for other Brother Knights to emulate for his charitable service to our priests, our parishioners, and our community. He heads up the teams who participate in the monthly events of Life Teen meals and the Coalition for the Homeless meals. He is a regular volunteer at the monthly Sharing Center events. He is involved with helping parishioners with our Helping Hands program, cutting grass, providing car rides to doctor appointments and most recently, participating with a yard cleanup project for a Brother Knight. He volunteers for most of our Council events, where you can see him washing dishes, pots, and pans and helping to set up and put away the supplies. He serves the parish as a Minister of Hospitality and a Eucharistic Minister at the Noon Masses. He takes the blessed Sacrament to one or two parishioners each week. |
July 2024: Frank and Rosemary Novak Family
Frank and Rosemary Novak have been members of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish since 1989 and have been members of the Adult Choir for much of that time. In addition to their long time commitment to the choir, Frank also serves as a lector and participates in regular cantor duty. Their consistent and tireless giving of self edifies the work of the Knights of Columbus and blesses the entire Saint Mary Magdalen community! |
May 2024: Ricardo Diaz
Ricardo is a newer member of Council 5618. He has been invited to participate further in leadership roles and has graciously stepped up while working full-time as a father with younger children. Sometimes knowing where to start and the process by which new Knights find a path to contribution within the Council can be daunting, but Ricardo has pursued involvement despite challenges. He is an excellent example of a newer Knight finding a place of contribution! |
May 2024: Robert and Peggy Rasch Family
Robert and Peggy have been long-time members of St Mary Magdalen Church and their generous service spans all that time. Bob has been active in KofC leadership as State Advocate, and he has assisted in the guidance of this council for many years, currently serving as Trustee. His presence is felt constantly in the varied activities necessary for the persistence of our Council. Peggy has been a dedicated and supportive spouse to Bob and her involvement is deep and varied, including many years with RCIA. Bob and Peggy are a solid sign of faithful family life and their gracious gifts richly bless us! |
April 2024: Joseph Pullara
Joe Pullara has been an active Knight in our Council since 2006! He first became a Worthy Brother Knight in 1960! Joe’s major contributions span decades out of the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen. Joe has a legacy of overseeing over 25 Habitat for Humanity homes built in Seminole County. He inspired home building in the Dominican Republic, which culminated in the construction of hundreds of dwellings for impoverished locals. He continues to show his charitable ways by regular contributions to the Council in the form of donated award winnings! Joe is a true sign of a Worthy Brother Knight! |
April 2024: Harley and Lisa Parkhurst Family
Harley and Lisa, recently married at Saint Mary Magdalen, are long-time parishioners, constantly serving in various ways. Lisa has been a dedicated usher for many years and has a personal daily prayer ministry for the needs of individuals. Harley, is also a long-time parishioner and usher and he is currently serving as a Eucharistic Minister. Their sacramental witness to the sanctity of marriage, even later in life, is a testament to our Faith as Catholics! |
March 2024: Richard Hosler
Richard has been an active member since he joined our council back in 2022. He is the son of long-time parishioners Ray (also a Knight in our Council) and Judy Hosler. He can be found regularly attending council meetings and other events. He graciously stepped up to take on the Financial Secretary role for Council 5618, and is being trained by our previous Financial Secretary Don Holzemer. Richard shows us what it means to be a Busy, Happy, Holy Knight! |
March 2024: Bill and Kathy Crowell Family
Bill and Kathy are long-time parishioners at St. Mary Magdalen. Kathy has been an Adult Choir member for over 20 years and Bill for over 10 years. They have served several years as Wedding Coordinators / Sacristans and were once part of the Habitat for Humanity Theater group for the time it existed at St. Mary Magdalen. These are just some of the various ways they have dedicated their time and energies to the service of the Parish. Their decades-long involvement, service, and devotion have been a meek and mighty blessing to all of us in the parish! |
February 2024: Daniel Kwasny
Dan has been an active member of Council 5618 since 2018 and regularly assists at service events, such as the annual fish fry and others. He and his wife Emily attend mass regularly with their young children. He serves as a little league baseball coach in his spare time. Originally from the state of Minnesota, Dan brings his midwestern sensibilities and charm wherever he goes. He is officially one of the ‘younger’ members of this council and we greatly appreciate his contribution in light of all his other responsibilities as a working husband, father, and coach. We honor Dan for his generosity and commitment! |
February 2024: Pat and Maureen Floegel Family
Pat and Maureen are long-time members of Saint Mary Magdalen parish. Maureen has been a member of the contemporary choir for decades and Pat is a dedicated leader in the BOGOGO ministry in partnership with the Sharing Center. He is also an active Knight in our council since 2010. They have three grown children that they raised at the parish. |
January 2024: George Sheldon
George Sheldon, 90 years old, is a long time, active Knight. He was married to his wife for 60 years and they had 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren! He served in the US Navy (initially as a jet pilot) for 27 years and has kept active in the parish and around the house ever since. He always has a project going on at home. He is eminently involved with the Council, frequently helps to serve dinners at the Coalition for the Homeless and comes to as many meetings and events as he can. Sheldon is a great blessing to his Brother Knights and the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen! |
January 2024: Bob and Sheila Baker Family
Bob and Sheila Baker are long time parishioners, parents, and are perpetually involved in parish life. Bob has played in contemporary worship groups as a bass player for decades and Sheila has been heavily involved in culture of life activities for many years. Bob and Sheila are a living example of what a married, growing faith looks like and their ever increasing faithfulness and devotion to life in Christ shows. We are blessed to have them in our lives at Saint Mary Magdalen! |
December 2023: Don Holzemer
Don Holzemer has provided our Council with exceptional service as our Financial Secretary for 16 years. Over the years and on his own initiative, Don consistently goes above and beyond the normal duties of this position by providing our Grand Knights and other Council officers with information, advice and resources that help them fulfil their duties. Don also serves our Council as one of the eminent Beverage Guys, specializing in serving beverages at our breakfast and dinner events with a smile and a kind word. Don serves our parish as the only Sacristan who serves at many morning Masses and on Sundays. Don also serves as the SMM Men’s Club's Secretary. |
December 2023: Alan and Eileen Migliorato Family
Alan and Eileen are long time parishioners of St Mary Magdalen. Alan is a graduate of SMM School and has participated as a parishioner ever since, serving in many different areas, such as: Eucharistic Minister, helping found the parish Small Groups and long time involvement in youth ministry. Eileen has been involved for many years in the Council of Catholic Women and particularly in St. Eamon’s Circle. Alan has committed the majority of his service to youth ministry and serves as a leader at St Mary Magdalen, he has a Catholic radio show, and he is also an author of a children’s book. Alan and Eileen are a long time blessing to our parish! |
November 2023: Tom Przybyla
PGK Tom Przybyla is a cornerstone of the Bishop Grady Council 5618. His involvement spans from heading up the annual Fish Fry Dinners, hosting and editing the council website and laying out the Pinta Log, taking on Directorship roles (currently Faith Director), mentoring, sending blast emails, and much more. He is currently president of the Saint Mary Magdalen Men’s Club and participates in the Church Council. Tom’s contributions come from a heart committed to the Gospel and to expressing the love of God through loving neighbor. He serves tirelessly with devotion. We are blessed to receive his worthy service! October 2023: Lou Elrose
Lou has been a Worthy Brother Knight in the Bishop Grady Council for several years and has consistently served and shared his talents and abilities with regard to food-related events, such as: Fish Fry Dinners, Corporate Communion Breakfasts, as well as others of the kind. He has also served faithfully as Lecturer; providing delicious, lovingly prepared meals for Council meetings. His gracious care and commitment to this Council is greatly appreciated! Thank you, Lou, for being a busy, happy, holy Brother Knight! |
November 2023: Jim and Cathy Bucko Family
Jim and Cathy Bucko are long time members at Saint Mary Magdalen Church. Jim is a Worthy Brother Knight, currently studying to become a Deacon, and organizes weekly Rosary prayer gatherings at the SMM grotto. Jim regularly lectors for Mass. Cathy was a beloved teachers assistant at SMM school for many years and all their children went through the school. The Buckos host married, unmarried and dating couples. They additionally mentor engaged couples preparing to get married in the church. Our parish community is greatly blessed by their lives! October 2023: Michael and Victoria Yurso Family
Dr. Michael and Victoria Yurso have been members of Saint Mary Magdalen Parish for decades and have been involved in many ministries during that time. Michael is a member of our Bishop Grady Council 5618, having previously held the role of Recorder and assists with the annual Fish Fry dinners. Victoria served as the first Vice President of the Council of Catholic Women and has also served as a greeter and sacristan (along with Michael who is a lead sacristan). They have also generously supported the Council's RSVP vocations initiative for seminarians. We are grateful for their selfless service in so many areas. They are a blessing to the Knights of Columbus and the entire Saint Mary Magdalen community! |
September 2023: Oscar Arechavala
Oscar has been a committed Brother Knight, attending Council Meetings and exemplifications consistently as well as his steadfast work in our ongoing events involving food preparation and service. His humble commitment to selfless giving of himself is an inspiration, a comfort, and edifies the Bishop Grady Council as a whole. Thank you, Oscar! |
September 2023: Don and Fran Hale Family
The Hale family has been involved in Saint Mary Magdalen Parish for 45 years! Don has been in the Adult Choir for 45 years and also worked in the Pepsi Booth, Basketball Booth, and was a Money Collector during Fall Festivals for about 35 years. Fran had been a Lector for many years which grew into head of Lectors. She has been a Minister to the Sick as well as a volunteer in the Pepsi Booth and was a Money Counter during Fall Festivals over the years. Thank you for your example and decades of service! |
August 2023: Jacob Smith
Jacob is a relatively new member of Council 5618 and has been very active for all that time. He is a constant source of help and input, taking on needed roles with a smile! His dedication as a Knight has even extended to the role of Scribe in the Fourth Degree Monsignor Ed Thompson Assembly 1667, in Sanford. Jacob moved from Michigan, where he was very active and had served three years as Grand Knight. As of this writing, Jacob is our Council’s Deputy Grand Knight, slated to take the reins as Grand Knight in two years. Jacob’s glowing presence and exemplary ‘can do’ attitude is a blessed example of a “Busy, Happy, Holy Knight.” |
August 2023: Anthony and Mary Gulde Family
The Gulde family has been heavily involved in Saint Mary Magdalen Parish for many years. They sent their five children through SMM School. Mary has been leading adult religious formation for several years and Anthony has been committed to youth group involvement and Confirmation class facilitation as well. Their abiding commitment to youth and adult faith formation is an inspiration to the Saint Mary Magdalen Community. |
July 2023: Tom Galaida
When our Council's Brothers Food Assistance program began, Tom quickly offered to use his Auto Repair shop to be the central collection point for food and gift card donations. He coordinates with the chairman of this program, Tom Poppell, to collect donations, to report when donations are received and when more are needed. Tom is a past Council Guard and he is a SMM Sacristan usually serving at early morning Masses. |
July 2023: Karen and Ed Gallagher
Karen and Ed participated with the July Sharing Center food distribution event at Annunciation Church. It was a scorching hot and humid Florida day and in spite of that, they volunteered for the first time. They worked for 2 hours taking food out of boxes and placing it into grocery bags that would be handed out to needy recipients. They are both SMM Sacristans. |
June 2023: Art Wright
Art Wright has been an active knight since he became one in September 2022. He quickly became Membership director and facilitated the acquisition of 14 new knights so that the Council exceeded our annual quota. Art participates in several initiatives, such as the Council’s exemplification team, attending several Sharing Center monthly events, he has assisted our worthy District Deputy with shuttling a bishop to and from the Florida State convention, and most recently, he helped coordinate and obtain dinner for our Council’s Officer Installation dinner. Art’s constant contribution is an example to all Knights in our Council! |
June 2023: Barbara and Greg Nelsen
Greg serves our parish as a Deacon, serving in Masses, participating in funeral viewing ceremonies and counseling and mentoring candidates for the Deaconate. He provides our Council with relevant talks at our Corporate Communion Breakfasts when requested. Barbara serves our parish as one of the main weekend Mass’ Sacristans. She is the matriarch of the Nelsen family, encouraging family members to serve the parish in many ways, such as participating as Altar Servers and always supporting Greg so that he can serve our parish so unselfishly. |
May 2023: Roger Copeland
Roger attends most of the Council's events and meetings, taking photos for his Knight's Facebook page and the Council's newsletter. He creates photo CDs and shows them at our community events. He is a tremendous help at our Fish Fry Dinners and Pancake Breakfasts. He buys supplies and assembles Blessing Bags for the homeless. Roger also helps process new and transfer members to our Council. Roger can be consistently counted on to get things done the right way. |
May 2023: Maureen and Brian Salerno
Brian is involved in the Youth Ministry and the Culture of Life Ministry. Maureen is active with the Culture of Life Ministry and the Life Choices Medical Center board. She is a Lecturer, a Eucharistic Minister and she works at the School office. |
April 2023: Joe Pocius
Joe transferred into our Council in January and has become a very active Knight. He is a regular volunteer at our monthly Sharing Center events, he participated at our Fish Fry dinners and at our last pancake breakfast. He regularly attends our monthly meetings and he attended the last SMM LEAD meeting. He recently became our Council's Family Director. Joe is an exemplary model for all new Knights! (from left, Joe Pocius, Tom Przybyla, George Meyer) |
April 2023: Mary Ann and Larry Scotchie
Mary Ann and Larry Scotchie are strong leaders in the Culture of Life ministry, championing many activities that promote life. They are both involved with supporting and working at Life Choices Medical Clinic, the annual March for Life and the Laps4Life events. They actively attend and support many of our Council's events. (from left, Fr. Charlie Mitchell, Mary Ann Scotchie, Larry Scotchie, Tom Przybyla) |
March 2023: Tom Poppell
Tom was instrumental in the success of this year’s Fish Fry Dinners, co-chairing the six dinners. Each week he helped check-in and store the Sysco supplies. He helped make the coleslaw, often with the assistance of his wife Joyce. His normal job during each dinner was to help package dinners for take-out. He also helped the money collectors, he set up the cafeteria and he was a runner to the walk-in cooler! |
March 2023: The Chang Family
Sandra, Ariana, Kiara and Rodolofo Chang participated with the March 11 Sharing Saturday at the Sharing Center. They enthusiastically grabbed clothes from the racks and hung them in the correct locations in the retail store . As quickly as the racks were wheeled into the store, they found new homes for each article. With the rest of the volunteers, they may have set a record for the number of racks processed in a morning! They brought God’s light and joy into a morning of volunteering at the Sharing Center. |
February 2023: Dominick Fiorentino
Dominick organized this year's Tootsie Roll Drive. He worked with 3 Publix store managers to get approvals for a weekend event and he set up an online signup process for 18 slots. On both days, he delivered materials and picked up money after each shift at each store. The drive raised $1,823 which was donated to Morningstar Catholic School. We could not have achieved this success without Dominick's leadership! |
February 2023: John and Marsha Bowers
John and Marsha are the friendly faces of our weekly Fish Fry Dinners as they cheerfully clear and clean the tables. They remove dinner objects as customers finish eating so they can socialize on a clean table. They mop the floors when necessary and remove the trash from the bins when they are full. It's the subtle things they do that make for an enjoyable dinner experience and one reason why we have so many repeat customers. God's love shines forth from these humble servants as they serve our parishioners with love. |
January 2023: David Weisman
David was the chairman of our Council's successful Family Pancake Breakfast and the team who cooked and served the Scouts' Breakfast. He led the new Knights Degree Exemplification Team, recruiting actors and coordinating several practices during the past few months. Their first in-person exemplification ceremony was held in January and it was a successful and professional job! David is always willing to help with our events with a cheerful and can-do attitude. |
January 2023: Oscar, Nora and Stacie Arechavala
Oscar Arechavala and his wife Nora and daughter Stacie were first time volunteers at the January Sharing Saturday at the Sharing Center event. They had fun hanging clothes in the center's retail store and were like experienced retail store workers! Oscar is our Council's Inside Guard and helps with several other Knights’ events. |
December 2022: Martin Homac
Martin became our Council's Membership Director in July, 2022. Martin helped update our membership onboarding processes and reporting to handle an increase in candidates. Through his efforts, our Council has added 5 new Knights since July. At the same time, he initiated and implemented the Council's Helping Hands program and helped coordinate the completion of several projects for the benefit of parishioners. |
December 2022:
St Mary Magdalen Ministry Support Staff We appreciate and honor all of the SMM staff who support our Council's events and programs by reserving and setting up meeting rooms, coordinating our finances, security, communications and Masses. Their interactions are a blessing as they are helpful, kind and respectful; we see the Lord Jesus' love shining through them. Together, they act as a family, working together as an efficient team to serve us, their parishioners. Thank you Gail Rayos, Heidi Lewis, Kristina Blair, Mary Gulde, Mark Ayers, Debbie Karleskint, Melissa Findley, Adriana Rivera, Wanda Patkin and Vince Edman. |
November 2022: Alan Blackmon
Alan is one of the most active Knights in our Council. He recently participated with all 5 of the last Helping Hands projects and he attends all Council events. In addition, he shows up to set up for these events and stays to cleanup afterwards. He consistently attends all of the Sharing Saturday at the Sharing Center events. Alan is a dedicated workhorse who can be counted on to help the Knights, our parishioners and our community. We are blessed to have him as a Knight in our Council. |
November 2022: Melissa and David Weisman
Melissa and David organized and made the annual Deceased Knights Mass a successful spiritual event. They coordinate many behind the scenes actions that are necessary for this Mass, such as inviting family members, creating the Mass booklets, scheduling the locations and participants and organizing the reception. They work as a close-net team to make sure all actions are completed. They do this for other events too, such as the Christmas Party and our Pancake Breakfasts. |
October 2022: Tom Weninger
Tom learned how to make coffee for the October 16 10 am and Noon Masses. He volunteered at the October CCW Brunch. He is a regular monthly Sharing Center volunteer and he volunteers at several Coalition for the Homeless dinners. He is also a Hospitality Minister at the Noon Masses. Tom became serious about volunteering for community events this year and he has become a model for all Knights to emulate. |
October 2022: Mary-Jeanine and Stefan Ibarguen
MJ and Stefan cooked and served a delicious breakfast at our last Corporate Communion Mass and Breakfast. They recently cooked the brunch for the CCW Communion Mass and Brunch. Whenever the parish has a large event, such as CommunityFest and the parish's 60th Anniversary, they coordinate, shop, cook, serve and cleanup for the events . Mary-Jeanine is a member of the Council of Catholic Women and she is a Hospitality Minister for the 10 am Masses. |
September 2022: Bob Rasch
Bob is very active as the Worthy State Advocate for the Florida State Council. He is our Council's Trustee. He was involved with helping Fr. Frank Lobo with legal affairs and found him a home to live in temporarily. He is a member of our Council’s Degree Exemplification Ceremonies team and he is the leader of the fish fryers for our Lenten Fish Fry Dinners. Bob is a very active participant in many of our Knights events and he is a model for all Knights to follow. |
September 2022: Ferosa D’Abreu
Ferosa is a regular volunteer for many of the Knights of Columbus events. She helps setup and serve at the Knight’s Corporate Communion Breakfasts. She volunteers at many of our monthly Coalition for the Homeless dinners, helping to serve dinners to the residents of the Coalition. She often does special things for people, like framing a picture and presenting it to the McTague family, who was a recent Family of the Month awardee. She worked at several of our Lenten Fish Fry Dinners and frequently volunteers at CCW events. She also helps out at SMM funerals. |
August 2022: Don Holzemer
Don is our Council's Financial Secretary and is involved in most facets of the Council's operations including creating and managing the annual budget, paying the bills, preparing the audits, maintaining membership and retention records with the Supreme and Florida State Councils and our Council's members. He participates in most of our events. Don is also an active member of the Men's Club and most recently helped with the SMM Labor Day Picnic, working in the hot weather to setup, serve and cleanup afterwards. |
August 2022: Buddy and Laura Anderson
Buddy and Laura are long-time members of St Mary Magdalen and have been involved with many events over the years. Laura is active in the St Luke's Circle of the Council of Catholic Women. She is always willing to help other ministries (including the Knights) when volunteers network together to serve our many parish events. Buddy is involved with many Knights activities, either as a leader or a critical position, as in our Fish Fry Dinners and Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts. He led our parish's Thanksgiving Dinners for many years. Buddy is one of our parish's most excellent readers during Masses. |
July 2022: George Meyer
George is a disciple who interacts with people and spreads the faith. He cultivates interest in understanding the Catholic faith and how God is around us. George is blessed with the gifts of listening, empathy and communication. He is well read in most historic and current religion trends. He remains a consistent contributing member of a men’s weekly zoom prayer group. As a result of his readings, he shares and summarizes key takeaways that align with that week’s gospel. George is also a gifted singer and speaker. He is a key cantor for SMM Sunday and Saturday Masses. |
July 2022: Martin and Heather Homac
On July 6, they both were part of a small Helping Hands team who helped a fellow Knight's family by cutting and trimming the grass around their yard and pool deck. Martin created the Helping Hands program for our Council, which provides manpower to help parishioners with small home projects. They are both active parishioners of SMM and both are Ministers of Hospitality at the 5:30 pm Sunday Masses. Martin is also our Council's Membership Director. |
June 2022: Pete Ramondetta
Pete Ramondetta, “The Scribe”, continues to do an excellent job in his key role as Recorder for Council 5618. Every month he documents the Council meeting minutes. His exacting entries record members’ actions, words, suggestions, plans, and critical dates to record the council’s meeting results. The leadership team and the Council can use this information to help drive them to the next level of excellence. His attention to detail is excellent and his assertiveness keeps the team on course. We can count the times his notes were relied on to plan or access decision making within the council. In addition, Pete is also a gifted musician as a lead guitarist during the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass. His passion for music fires up Mass attendees and brings joy to those present. No doubt, Mark Ayers, the Music and Liturgical Ministries Leader, may have more positive comments on Peter’s leadership in the music ministry at SMM. |
June 2022: The McTague family, Louis and Anastasia
The McTague Family. Louis McTague and his daughter Anastasia are long term members of St Mary Magdalen parish. Louis was active in the CommunityFest events as a chicken wing cook. He serves as an usher at Sunday 5:30 pm Masses, acts as lead usher when called upon and selects the weekly offering/gifts family at each Mass. He demonstrates his faith in SMM activities. His daughter Anastasia studied religion in college, is well versed in bible and scripture readings and is an accomplished reader during the Mass. She memorizes the scriptures before Mass and recites them from memory instead of reading them. Louis is an example of a father who leads his family in the Catholic way of life. He values Gods’ word and demonstrates a disciple’s way of life in his daily life and profession as an engineer. |
May 2022: Buddy Anderson
Buddy Anderson, who thanks to his organization and leadership skills, did an excellent job of chairing the annual SMM Teacher's Appreciation Breakfast, which honors the talented teachers of our parish's school. Buddy is also a key cook at our Fish Fry Dinners and he is an excellent reader at many Masses. |
May 2022: The Walter family, Joe, Caroline, and sons Tyler and Jake
Joe and Caroline are active in various ministries at SMM. Joe was a key leader in the SMM boy scout troop. He has run a weekly online men's small prayer group for the last 3 years, discussing Sunday sermons. Joe can be counted on to help other parishioners in need. He recently helped a retired SMM nun move into an assisted living facility. He was the spark who inspired the start of our Council's Leave No Neighbors Helping Hands program. Caroline was active in the SMM parish council and helps with Youth Ministry. Both sons graduated from SMM and were active in Sunday youth ministries. The elder son, Tyler, continues to be an altar server at the Sunday 5:30pm Mass. They both were scouts. Joe and Caroline provide a real example of a family following Gods word, Gods love and being disciples who spread their faith. |
April 2022: Tom Przybyla
Tom Przybyla, who goes above and beyond the call of duty! He has served as past Grand Knight and is our current Grand Knight. He works diligently on the Pinta Log newsletter every month, he led the Fish Fry dinners, works with the Sharing Center and he is a Sacristan and a Eucharistic Minister!! |
April 2022: The Poppell family, Tom and Joyce
Tom and Joyce are recognized for their exemplary service during our Fish Fry dinners. Both Tom and Joyce came in early on Fridays to make coleslaw and to help with other preparations for the dinners. They both stayed during the dinners, usually manning the to-go station. In addition, Tom was Tom Przybyla's backup for helping with many of the other Fish Fry activities, like coming in on Thursdays to process and store the Sysco orders. |
March 2022: Michael Scotchie
Michael was responsible for acquiring the 280 t-shirts for the 2022 Laps for Life walkathon. This was not an easy task this year because we switched vendors 30 days before the event. To make matters worse, all of the sponsors' logos had to be reconstructed since the previous shirt printer would not release them. Mike's diplomatic relations with the sponsors and the printer helped produce the t-shirts on time. February 2022: Alan Blackmon
Alan Blackmon is recognized for attending monthly Sharing Saturday at the Sharing Center events even when he was in pain before his hip replacement surgery and for supporting our Lenten Fish Fry Dinners by moving supplies and superbly washing pots/utensils and cleaning the kitchen after each dinner. |
March 2022: The Bowers family, John and Marsha
John and Marsha Bowers are recognized for their dedication and service at the 6 Lenten Fish Fry dinners this year. They cheerfully bused tables offering to remove dinner items from the table when diners were finished eating. Not only did they clean the tables indoors and at the picnic tables, but they also emptied the trash cans during and after the dinners. John and Marsha also serve our church as Eucharistic Ministers. February 2022: The Greg Nelsen Family
Greg and Barbara Nelsen are recognized for all they do in serving the SMM parish. Greg is an exemplary Deacon, giving excellent homilies, participating with masses and funerals, leading the Cancer Support group and working with men who are studying to become Deacons. In addition to supporting and helping Greg, Barbara is the backup leader of the Sacristans and serves as a Sacristan most Sundays. |
January 2022: Larry Scotchie
Larry, we commend you for your service and leadership in the many Culture of Life events in our parish, our Council and the local community including his involvement with Laps for Life, the Baby Bottle fundraisers, March for Life and with the Life Choices Medical clinic; and for participating with our Council's small group meetings. |
January 2022: The Van Brunt Family
Blake and Mary Van Brunt, we commend you for leading all of the SMM sacristans, providing training and instructions to the team of sacristans and serving as sacristans for many of the Masses, and for laundering/ ironing the altar linens/towels. |
December 2020: Ed Gallagher
We commend you for chairing the Council's Citizenship Essay and the awards Mass with the SMM School, for being a Sacristan and Eucharistic Minister, for leading Community and Youth activities for our Council, for serving as our Council's Advocate and for his involvement with RCIA. |
December 2020: The McIntosh Family
Bruce and Lisa McIntosh and their two daughters, Mary and Fiona, we commend you for your devotion. Nominated by Tom Poppell: “They are a very devoted family. Fiona is a Lecter at the 5:30 pm mass. Mary is a student at UCF and Fiona's a senior. Both girls have volunteered at the hospital in Altamonte Springs for years and still do.” |
November 2020: Les Philip
We recognized and commend Les for implementing and chairing a new Faith program - the Knights Small Group, for being a Sacristan and helping to train Tom Przybyla (a new Sacristan), for leading faith activities and events for our Council and with the parish as our Faith Director and for serving as our Council's Treasurer. |
November 2020: The Weisman Family
David and wife Melissa Weisman were recognized for chairing and coordinating the activities for the Deceased Knights Mass and reception this year and for previous years, and for being Eucharistic Ministers. |
October 2020: Don Holzemer
Don was recognized during our October Council meeting for serving as our Council's Financial Secretary for over 9 years, coordinating all financials for the Orlando Laps for Life annual events and for being one of the elite Beverage Guys at our Fish Fry Dinners and Breakfasts. He has served our parish by being a member of the Financial Council and for being a Sacristan serving at many daily and Sunday Masses. |
October 2020: The Eichner Family
Ann and George Eichner were recognized for serving our parish as Eucharistic Ministers and volunteering periodically at both the Sharing Center and the Coalition for the Homeless dinners. |
September 2020: Dominick Fiorentino
Dominick was commended for chairing and coordinating the 2021 Tootsie Roll Campaign, which raised $1,863 for Morningstar Catholic School! He also investigated and implemented the use of the VolunteerSignup software, which the Council is using for other event signups. |
September 2020: The Fiorentino Family
Dominick, wife Patty and daughter Sarah were commended for making the 2021 Tootsie Roll Campaign a family affair by collecting donations at several shifts on Saturday and Sunday. |
August 2020: James Taglia
James was recognized for coordinating and encouraging Knights participation in the Sharing Center and Life Choices fund raising gala events, the Knight’s Day and the Track, and our local 40 Days for Life prayer initiative; for successfully getting a Laps for Life article into the Columbia printed magazine, and with Les Philip, delivering 16 games of checkers and 16 games of dominoes to the vets at the VA Hospital in Lake Nona and serving dinner at the Coalition for the Homeless and sorting donated goods at the Sharing Center monthly. |
August 2020: The Fleri Family
Ed and Pat Fleri were recognized for their many charitable actions in supporting the poor and the needy, many of which we don’t know about, but including delivering food and money to 5 Knights families every week and frequently serving dinner at the Coalition for the Homeless and sorting donated goods at the Sharing Center. |
July 2020: Peter Staffieri
Peter Staffieri was commended for serving our Council as Treasurer with excellence for 8 years since July 2013. |
July 2020: The Philip Family
Les and Lydia Philip were commended for their dedication and service as sacristans including laundering/ironing all of the altar linens during the pandemic and for serving the parish in so many other capacities and ministries like Culture of Life. |
June 2020: John Dsa
John Dsa was recognized for stepping up to coordinate monthly the Coalition for the Homeless dinners and for serving as our Council's Lecturer. |
June 2020: The Dsa Family
John and daughters Teresa and Diana Dsa were recognized for serving at the June Coalition for the Homeless dinner when there was a shortage of other volunteers. |